Shining Stars Family Worship / 유년부 가정 예배 > 교육부 게시판

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유초등부 Shining Stars Family Worship / 유년부 가정 예배

페이지 정보

작성자 jamycom
작성일 14-01-31 14:39


Hi Parents,

Our church’s focus for this year is “Worship and Prayer”.??Therefore, Shining Starts will be promoting family worship starting February.??Starting this Sunday, the kids will be bringing home their weekly bulletins with the family worship guide on it.??Please make time to worship and praise God with you children at least once a week and sign the bulletins for them.

Below are the 8 P’s, which Pastor Joe spoke about during the last PTA meeting as a guide to having family worship every week. /


금년도?저희?교회?표어가?“감동있는?예배,?회복있는?기도”?입니다.?그래서 저희?유년부에서는?이번?2월?부터 가정예배?활성화?프로그램을?시작하고자?합니다.??이번주?부터?아이들?주보에?가정예배?가이드가?실립니다.?그?내용을?가지고?일주일에?한번?아이들과?함께?찬양과 예배를?드리시고,?아이들?주보에?서명을?해?주시면?됩니다.

아래는?지난번?학부모 PTA?미팅에서?Joe?전도사님이 말씀하신?가정예배에?관한?도움말?입니다.

8 P’s of Family Worship?/?예배의?8?가지?“P”

As far as it’s possible, I recommend the dad lead the family in worship.?

Ephesians?6:4?- Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.?/

가능한한?집안의?가장인?아버지가?예배를?인도하시기 바랍니다.


Please use the back of the Shining Stars bulletin as a guide.?/


1.?Preparation?? Read the Bible verse(s) in Proclaim at least five times and think about what it says. Pray that God will fill you with the Holy Spirit to lead the family to worship Him.??/

준비???인도자는?예배의?본문?구절을?적어도?5번이상 먼저?읽어?보시고?나눌?말씀을?미리?생각하시기?바랍니다.??그리고?성령의?충만하심과?인도하심을?위해?기도하세요

2.?Prayer?? Start worship time with by praying with the family.?/


3.?Praise?? Sing a song of Praise together. The hymn page number will be on the bulletin.?/

찬양???주보?가이드에?나와있는?찬송가로?함께?찬양을 드리세요.

4.?Proclaim?? Read the Bible verse(s) out loud with your family. Mom and children are encouraged to participate in the reading./

선포???성경?본문을?큰 소리로?함께?읽으세요.??어머니와?아이들도?모두?함께?읽습니다.

5.?Practice?? Discuss how your family can apply what God has taught you?today.?/

적용???오늘?주신?말씀을?어떻게?적용할?것인가?서로의 결단을?나누시기?바랍니다.

6.?Petition?? Pray as a family that God would help you live out what you have learnedtoday.?/


7.?Pattern?? Memorize the verse(s) together as a family.?/


8.?Parent Signature?? Parent sign the Shining Star bulletin to verify the family worshipped together.?/

부모 서명 ? 예배후 아이들 주보에 서명을 해주시기 바랍니다.


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