The Bible I Don’t Know > 교육부 게시판

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유초등부 The Bible I Don’t Know

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작성자 Joe
작성일 14-02-26 16:32


If you go to a Christian bookstore or a website that Sells Christian books, ? you'll See More than we could ever works that are Available Read. ? And now, there are electronic books and Websites to add to all the Resources we can use. Then, why are so many Christians so Biblically illiterate? We know many Things "About" Church, politics, Movies, Sports, etc. ? But as Christians, simply do not know enough of the Bible. If you do not Believe Me, the Research confirms it. And, you can do your Own Self-Test. ? How many books can I name off of the Bible (in order)? Do I know how many books there are in the Bible? Do I know who wrote these books (besides God)? And, how much detail do we know about the Bible?


I believe we should know the Bible starting at an early age. Shining Stars has the goal of knowing all "66" books of the Bible by the time they graduate and move on to SnL. It's not as hard as it seems to memorize them. The Old Testament has 39 books. Three times nine is 27, which is the number of books in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, it will help to remember 5-12-5-5-12. Add these numbers and you get 39. The New Testament has 4-1-13-9-1. The total is 27. These numbers are Bible Categories. If you open the attachment, you will see what I mean. Please, quiz yourself and your children on the Books of the Bible.


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