Are We Raising Christian Children? > 교육부 게시판

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교육부 전체 Are We Raising Christian Children?

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작성자 이은이
작성일 14-09-15 23:11


얼마전 College Expo에 참석해서 들었던 Mentoring에 관한 session에서 2세 목사님이 마지막으로 짧게 말씀하신것이 너무 마음에 와닿아 학생들과 학부모님들과 함께 나누고 싶습니다. Something to think about...


"Let's get honest"


I'm a Christian.

Is following Jesus first in your life and your student's life?

Or is being a student and learning what you tell your child as "first", even as a Christian.

My observation is that parents who tell their students their first priority is to be a student first is the one who says and lives their work as their first priority - but the reason, the motivation is actually not to follow Jesus, but to make money, enjoy money, and live for money.? Then you are not actually a follower of Jesus.? You are someone who has made Jesus just a part of your life.? And you will make your child a person whom Jesus is just a part of their life, not first.

There are four types of "Christians" in this world:

?? 1. Super-Driven, High Performance Students and Adults who will do well, get into a good college and career but will not put Go d as a?first priority in their life - God is just a part of their life.? NON-BELIEVER

?? 2. Super-Spiritual People but are lazy and do not connect their spirituality to their reality and relationships - their spirituality is an excuse for their ignorance and their lack of effort in studying, work, and life.? CHURCHY

?? 3. Not Driven, Not Spiritual.? SELF-CENTERED.

?? 4. Stewardship - Want to follow God, so in everything, they do it with excellence:? relationship, career, job, volunteering - with diligence, character, respect.? Their driven-ness is because of their faith, and their studying, work, and life style align to the character of Christ as well as being effective.? CHRISTIAN.

We can pretty much rule out #2, #3 because that's clearly not God's will for our lives - but #1 and #4 can look in almost every way, the same!

Question:? Are you a Christian??Are you raising and mentoring Christian students or Academic students - it seems the same but it's very different.? One: Jesus is just a part of their life.? Two: Jesus is the reason?for all their hard work and focus.


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